
Friday Fashions

 Are you drooling yet? 
These a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e outfits are from Tea Collection and are perfect for this upcoming summer.
Tea offers bali-bohemian style baby, children, and women clothing,
which is perfect for my shopping motto: two for baby, one for me.
Be sure to check them out,
and give your fingers a break. Simply click the Tea banner on the right to get shopping. 
Happy Friday!


  1. caroline, we live by saltwater sandals.
    they are hands down the best shoes.
    for babes. boy or girl. they never ever wear out. and are super affordable.

    and that tea collection, well, it just speaks for itself... so so cute!

  2. Leslie,
    Isn't it the cutest? I'm glad to know they are worth buying. I will be sure to order a pair as soon as Lucia can walk. For now, she live in socks...with bows of course!
