
Life Lessons From Lucia

Somewhere between my teen and college years I thought I knew it all.
Being told what to do or how to do it simply made me want to do the opposite. 
But then I had tiny.
Now I realize that everything I thought I knew was simply a tiny piece of the big pie.
Since having Lucia I have learned and loved more than I knew was possible.
Some days I am convinced that she chose me as her mom so that she could teach me all the things that I once thought I knew, but am now realizing I had no clue.
  • She has taught me the true meaning of love. Not the kind of love you have for your favorite pair of shoes, in which you conditionally love until your over it, but to really really love...forever.
  • She has taught me to be present. For so long I struggled with looking to the future, never TRULY enjoying where I was. But now I cherish each and every moment. Sleepless nights aren't so bad when I remind myself that one day she will sleep through the night...and I will miss our early morning snuggles dearly.
  • She has taught me how to laugh, all day long. I can no longer take myself seriously, because we are too busy laughing and dancing to the beat of our own drums.
  • She has taught me to judge less, and love more. 
  • She has taught me reminded me just how powerful the bond between a mother and child can be.
  • She has taught me to embrace change. As I cling to each stage, she embraces and delights in her new adventures.
  • She has taught me to see the joy in the small, simple every day things in life...Who knew a dog could be so funny, or an oatmeal container so entertaining.
  • And perhaps the most important of all, she has taught me how to become a mother, a lesson that she will continue to teach me throughout this amazing, wild, journey.
Thank you tiny for being the best teacher I've ever had.


  1. Aw. This is such a sweet post. You'll have to share it with her someday. :)

    1. Between the blog, journals and baby books I will be lucky if she even cares about it. Poor girl is going to be busy reading for the rest of her life.
      Thanks for stopping by!
      Much Love,
